Warren Osborne - Musketeers

Warren Osborne knife – Musketeers theme engraving. They were among the most feared soldiers in the 16th and 17th centuries - the musketeers. Armed with up to ten-kilogramme guns and 60 gramme lead bullets, they could decide entire battles. Their ammunition penetrated knight's armour, which at the time was a revolution and a great tactical advantage. Ignited by an exposed matchlock, the flame burned up to the powder, exploded the powder and shot out the bullet. In heavy rain, however, they were useless, because the flame of the fuse was extinguished.....
The Austrian engraver Armin Bundschuh used the historic French musketeers as the subject for his latest work: The masterful engraving of a handmade automatic dagger of the Texan knife maker Warren Osborne. On the front side of the knife a musketeer reloads his weapon. A skilled shooter at the time could fire up to three rounds per minute. The figure is drawn up right down to the smallest detail to be photo-realistic and is based on period accounts. The finest gold inlay in 24 carat also make for beautiful accents here. Even parts of weapons and uniform buttons of soldiers are highlighted so that they also emphasise the play of light and shadow.
The large knife with a Damascus blade is open 25 centimetres long and is closed for 14.5 centimetres. In order to eject the blade, the proud owner of this unique piece presses a little button at the top of the front of the head region of the Musketeer. The button is virtually invisible for the uninitiated viewer, hidden by the elegant custom engraving.
On the back, you can see a full sized musketeer with a shouldered weapon, a fleur-de-lis in gold and a gold letter band with the Motto of the Musketeers: "quo ruit et lethum" (to fall, there is death).
A great knife that became a masterpiece with this engraving.
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Armin Bundschuh
7400 Oberwart,Neutorgasse 3